What's New?

Temp Update - September 17, 2024

Hello Everyone,

I trust my email finds you well and settling into the fall schedule for work. Today’s email has information about:

Thanks for reading. As always, feel free to reach out if you have any questions or concerns that need to be addressed.

Warm regards,


Opting-into the “My Priorities and Development” Review

Every September, the CBC opens up the “My Priorities and Development” process (formerly known as PDD) for all employees. It is not mandatory for Temps to engage in this process but we are encouraging you to opt into the process as it allows you to get feedback and help start a conversation with your manager(s) about your career aspirations. You can select to start the process in your Workday profile by following the instructions in the links below. 

For Temps with multiple profiles, you can select which manager you would like to engage with for this discussion and the results of these conversations will be shared with the other supervisors/managers you report to so they can add their comments.

You can get all the information you need to start the process here.

Job Alerts: 

There are two great Temp Job Postings (Radio Producer at the Current and Youtube Producer for CBC Digital) up on the Temp Website Jobs Page. Deadline to apply for both is the end of this week. Check out the listings here.

Pension Plan Option for Temps +13

Did you know….Temp +13 employees have the option of joining the CBC Pension Plan after a 2 year waiting period.  This is outlined in Article 27.5.11 Long Term Temporary Employees which states:  "All Long-Term Temporary employees will receive an amount in lieu of pension equivalent to the Corporations' current service cost contributions to the pension plan.  Should the employee meet the Corporation's pension plan eligibility criteria and opt to join the plan, any compensation paid in lieu of pension shall cease upon the employee enrolling in the Corporation's pension plan."

You will receive an email from Pension Administration to inform you when you become eligible to join the Pension Plan.  You can then elect to join if you wish to do so.  It is optional.


Employees can also buy back service for the period in which they worked but were not eligible to join the pension plan as long as you continue to be a member of the CBC Pension Plan.  You cannot buy-back any period of service you could have joined the Plan but elected not to join.  If you are interested in buy-back, once you are a member of the Plan, you can request research for available buy-back.  Once the research is entered on your personal pension website, you can do buy-back calculations and pension print-outs with and without buy-back.

You can pay for the buyback by transferring funds directly from other registered pension savings like a personal RRSP as long as the monies within the RRSP are in the form of cash; i.e. not stocks, mutual funds, bonds. You can also choose to pay the buy back amount through regular payroll deductions but be aware a blended interest rate of 8.5% applies on this option.

Temp - 13 employees either receive 12.5% if they are not entitled to benefits or a percentage in lieu of pension if they are entitled to benefits.  Please note that if you transfer from Temp +13 to Temp - 13, you can no longer remain a member of the CBC Pension Plan.

The above is for general information purposes only.  In all cases, the terms of the Plan apply.  If you have specific questions about buy-back or other pension issues once you are a member of the Plan, you can contact the Pension Administration Centre at 1-888-604-9258 once you become a member of the Plan.

Next Temp Drop-in

Wednesday, 18 September · 13:30 – 15:00

Time zone: America/Toronto

Google Meet joining info

Video call link: https://meet.google.com/zmk-ecgb-pde

Or dial: ‪(CA) +1 705-419-9352‬ PIN: ‪252 826 798‬#

More phone numbers: https://tel.meet/zmk-ecgb-pde?pin=9190630559384 

Temp Update - August 29, 2024

Hello Everyone!

I hope that you all had a productive and wonderful summer.

Like many of my colleagues across the CBC, I just got back from my summer vacation. Let me start by thanking you for all your hard work while we were all away.  We all owe Temps like you a huge debt of gratitude for stepping into our jobs and keeping the shows on air and our websites up to date. We depend on Temps like you, so we can take time away for a break. THANK YOU SO MUCH!


Slow down in work

As we head into September, most of the permanent staff will be back in their chairs ready for the fall launch of their shows. This means there will be a drop in the availability of backfill work for Temps until the winter holidays. Some of you may already have work lined up and that is great. For the others, there are a few things you can do to make yourselves available for work. 

Developing Onboarding workshop for Temps

The Temp Project in collaboration with CBC HR and the CMG is in the process of creating an onboarding workshop for Temps. We will be piloting the workshop in September and use the feedback we get to fine tune it. 

The creation of this workshop is fulfilling a commitment jointly agreed to by the CMG and the CBC during the Collective Agreement Bargaining process.

Stay tuned for more details on where and how you can access this workshop virtually in the coming months.

Outreach to Toronto Temps!

On Wednesday August 28th, the Temp Project in collaboration with the local CMG committee held a Pizza Appreciation lunch for Temps in Toronto. It was an opportunity for Temps to meet with CBC leaders who support Temps (Barb Williams, Catherine Gregory, Mandy Luk, Tina Verma), CMG leaders (Kat McMorrow, Arman Aghbali, Abby Plener, Pauline Holdsworth), Temps Supporters and me. If you missed it we hope to see you next time. If you didn’t get an email invitation, please sign up to create a profile on the Temp Database so you can receive regular updates from me. (Attached are some photos from the Temp Pizza lunch).

Temps in Southern Ontario - Let’s go to the Ex!

Another great opportunity to network and meet with the local CMG leadership in Toronto is to march in the Labor Day Parade on September 2nd. As a bonus…you get free admission to the CNE on its last day. You can get all the details here.

CMG Temp Events!

This past summer the local CMG committees in Ottawa and Halifax also held get togethers for Temps. 

If you are interested in having an orientation for Temps from the CMG, send a note to info@cmg.ca to request training.

Next Temp Drop-in

Wednesday, 4 September · 14:00 – 15:30

Time zone: America/Toronto

Google Meet joining info

Video call link: https://meet.google.com/zmk-ecgb-pde

Or dial: ‪(CA) +1 705-419-9352‬ PIN: ‪252 826 798‬#

More phone numbers: https://tel.meet/zmk-ecgb-pde?pin=9190630559384

This is your chance to ask me questions, get advice or raise concerns. Drop by to say hello and introduce yourself.

TEMP UPDATE - July 8, 2024

Hello Temps

I hope by now most of you are settled into your summer gigs and enjoying the work you are doing. 

In the last few months I have been contacted by many of you looking for advice on how to get work and how to establish a career at the CBC. My advice in a nutshell is to be open for opportunities because one doesn’t know where an opening will lead you to…while at the same time keeping in mind your own long term career goals. Often this can be a hard balance to strike. Imagine your career as a series of stepping stones where each work experience and skill you gain gets you closer to your dream job/career goal. Everyone has their own route to success but we can take inspiration from the experiences of others. 

In that vein, I want to share with you an interview with Molly Baz - a cookbook writer with a successful Youtube series. In this interview she talked about how she created the job she has now, starting out doing pop-ups and then launching her professional career with an entry level job at Bon Appetit. I would encourage those of you who are struggling to find your place at the CBC to listen to it. Molly provides some sage advice on the strategies she used to get ahead of her peers and stand out from the crowd. And yes…she got lucky to get a big opportunity but the reality is she did a lot of work to get that big break. I hope you will find it useful…and you might just get some tips for baking a delish cornbread along the way.

Still Looking for work?

For those who are looking for  work, there is still a demand for Temps with some experience to fill in shifts in lots of places. If there are Temp Jobs posted they will appear on the Jobs page on the Temp Website. However if you are interested in working in another location for a specific show or department, check out the List of Hiring Leaders and reach out to them to express an interest in working with them.

Note for Halifax Temps

I will be at CBC Halifax on Monday July 29th. I look forward to meeting you in person then.

Note for Toronto Temps

Mark August 28th on your calendars. The CMG and The Temp Project will be inviting you for an in-person meet and greet. Stay tuned for details in early August. 

Next Temp Drop-in:

Tuesday, 13 August · 12:30 – 14:00

Time zone: America/Toronto

Google Meet joining info

Video call link: https://meet.google.com/mbd-vbxc-uej

Or dial: ‪(CA) +1 289-319-8660‬ PIN: ‪478 420 640‬#

More phone numbers: https://tel.meet/mbd-vbxc-uej?pin=2011914339834

Temp Project Summer Hiatus

I will be on vacation starting Monday July 8th and back on August 6th. While I am away, you should be able to find answers to most of the questions you have on the Temp Website. If you are unable to find the answers you need, there’s a list of people you can reach out to on the home page.

I want to end with a note of gratitude for your hard work in these summer months. Without all of you doing what you are doing across the country, we would not be able to keep our news service operational. THANK YOU!

Take care of yourselves and look forward to connecting when I am back in August.


News update  - June 25, 2024

Featured Job!

Power and Politics is looking for a producer. If you have been toiling on a local show and feel like you are ready for a crack at working at the network level and you love politics…well this is a rare opportunity. Apply to become a chase producer at the show that helps set the political agenda.


Application deadline is July 5, 2024

Summer Job Hunting Tips:

Summer is the busy season for temp work at the CBC as permanent employees go on summer annual leaves. Some of you may have secured work in one location or department for most of the summer which is fantastic. If you have gaps in your summer work schedule and are available for work, then here’s some tips you are use as you look for work.

Temp Update - June 10, 2024

Connecting Temps to Jobs

We are heading into the high season for Temp work across the CBC. Many locations (outside of Toronto and Vancouver) still need Temps. 

We have a number of resources on the Temp Website to help connect you to your next assignment.

List of leaders who hire

To help Temps connect with the right hiring leader, we now have a master list of hiring leaders at the network level and at all the regional locations across the country for CBC News, EFS and Marketing and Communications. You can find the master list on the Temp Website on the Jobs page at this link. Reach out to the leaders listed to express an interest in working with them and to find out more about potential opportunities for you.

Postings of non-permanent jobs

You can find a list of all the non-permanent jobs listed on the CBC Jobs Portal/Workday at this link.

Temp Job Board

And you can find the Temp Job Board at this link.

Featured Opportunities at News Network (NN)

We have SIX job postings up for NN! Please take a look and share widely with your networks. 

We are hiring two associate producers assigned to Chase for the Early Dayside and Weekend teams. With creative story ideas and diligent research skills, you find and arrange the on-air interviews of guests who can convey and explain compelling aspects of Canadian and international stories. 

Both roles are permanent, full-time and based in Toronto. The postings are internal only and the deadline is June 19 at 11:59 p.m. Apply in the Jobs Hub in Workday. Contact executive producers Robert Lack or Aubrey Silverberg if you have any questions. 

JR00001654 - scheduled Thursday to Sunday (compressed four day week)

JR00001655 - scheduled Saturday to Wednesday. 


We’re looking for a senior writer to support Morning Live and Weekends. You’re an excellent broadcast writer, with a sharp eye for incorporating compelling visual elements and are unafraid to experiment with storytelling techniques. This is a permanent full-time role based in Toronto, with scheduled shifts Wednesday to Friday 3:15-11:30 a.m., Saturday and Sunday, 4 a.m.-12:15 p.m.

External candidates can apply here. Internal candidates apply via Workday for JR00001530.

The deadline is June 11. See executive producer Jennifer Sheepy if you have any questions. 


We’re also hiring three (3) editorial assistants to support newsgathering and production in one-year contracts, based in Toronto, designed to fast track development. This is open to internal candidates only and the deadline is June 19, 2024 at 11:59 p.m. Apply via Workday at JR00001610. See senior producer Mandy Luk or executive producer Robert Lack if you have any questions.


Since last year Temps have been able to opt into the process for having a performance review with their supervisor/manager. While it is not a requirement we are encouraging Temps to take advantage of this process to help develop their careers and get feedback. On May 13th you would have received an email announcing the process you can follow. Alternatively if you go into your Workday profile, to review a message outlining the process. All Temps should have a manager assigned to your profile who will conduct the review.

For Temps who have multiple assignments, all managers who the Temp reports to will receive the self-evaluation from the employee. We encourage the Temp with multiple assignments to speak to the managers involved to decide between themselves who should conduct the year-end conversation and provide comments in Workday. Ideally the manager who the Temp works for the most will do the review. We recommend that only one manager take on this responsibility. The other(s) can provide feedback to the manager having the conversation.  At any moment, the manager who conducts the year-end conversation can request feedback from the other manager(s).

Temp Update - May 30, 2024

Remote Radio AP opportunity

Now or Never is looking for a curious, creative, and highly motivated Associate Producer to join the team for a 10-month contract, starting in mid-August.

You can find details about the position here: 


It's a fantastic opportunity for anyone looking to stretch their audio storytelling skills, get out in the field, and dig up original stories of people trying to make a change in their lives, big or small. 

The role can be done from anywhere in Canada, and is open to both temps and permanent employees. 

Internal employees will need to log in to the Jobs Hub in Workday to apply - search for JR00001495.

You can reach out to sara.tate@cbc.ca if you have any questions about the position!

Make it Better - Mental Health Check-In with Dr. Helen Ofosu

During the discussion with Dr. Ofosu, the issue of Temps and their mental health came up a couple of times. If you missed it, you can watch the recording of that session here.

Resources for supporting your mental health can be found here

Ted Talk with advice about how to deal with awkward polite feedback interactions

Are you "too nice" at work? Social psychologist Tessa West shares her research on how people attempt to mask anxiety with overly polite feedback — a practice that's more harmful than helpful — and gives three tips to swap generic, unhelpful observations with clear, consistent feedback, even when you feel awkward.

While the talk is more about how to give feedback…this has some useful tips for Temps on how to interpret the feedback you are receiving. Bottom line, if you want better feedback ask for specifics.


New Summary of Posted Temp Jobs

May 23, 2024

The Temp Website now has a summary of all the non-permanent opportunities currently posted on the CBC Jobs Portal. The jobs are sorted by province and then by city.

Bookmark this link to check it at your leisure. The list will be updated weekly to give you the latest postings in Workday and the CBC Jobs Portal. I encourage you to apply for any postings that are of interest to you.

Just so there isn’t any confusion, The Temp Job Board will continue to feature “Expression of Interest” type postings as they become availabl

Job Alert: Podcasting Opportunity

CBC's successful podcast feed Understood (which has so far done deep dives into crypto currency, the Pornhub empire and India's Nahendra Modi) is working on a new series for the Fall and looking for someone to join the team to help with researching, chasing, writing and audio production.

The series, with the working title Queen Celine, is about the fascinating twists and turns of Celine Dion's life, the impact she's had on the music industry, in Quebec and beyond, and the current challenges she faces. It will, as per the Understood criteria, be somewhat irreverent in tone, a story told through great characters over four episodes.

This is a great opportunity for someone who is passionate about the subject matter (and podcasting in general), with some experience in narrative writing and audio production or mixing, to be part of a small but nimble podcast team.  Applicants can be based in any CBC location.  

This will be a 3 month secondment, some time June-Sept, so please only send a note if you're available for that timeframe (and, as always, any final secondment approvals will be made by your manager). 

If you're interested, please send an email briefly explaining why you'd be a good fit to Binay Bajwa (binay.bajway@cbc.ca) with the subject line "EOI Celine" by 5pm ET on Friday, May 17, 2024.

Announcements: Reporter Job in Yellowknife + Fellowship for Black Journalists

May 9, 2024


Yellowknife is looking for someone to fill in as a reporter for 5 months starting as soon as possible. To get more details about this posting or to get more information, contact Rick Hughes the Managing Editor of Yellowknife.



The Mary Ann Shadd Cary Centre for Journalism and Belonging is accepting applications for the Mary Ann Shadd Cary Fellowship for Black Journalists: an expenses-paid trip to the National Association of Black Journalists Convention and Career Fair in Chicago, July 31 to August 4. Application deadline is May 17, 11:59 PM ET.

Participants will be joining a cohort of Black journalists for unparalleled professional development and networking. Travel, accommodation and registrations will be covered, and delegates will receive a modest grant to support their journalism goals.

Mary Ann Shadd Cary was the first Black woman to publish and edit a newspaper in North America. In the spirit of her journey as a writer, publisher and speaker, delegates will be invited to cross the Canadian border as she did to build relationships with peers in the United States.

Have questions? Find out about our drop-in information session this coming Monday May 13, 7pm ET.

Apply now!


New Benefit Update: Delay until July 1st to implement the new benefits for Temps -13 (April 24, 2024)

I have some updates on benefits for Temps -13 and the delay in the implementation of the new Collective Agreement.

As you know, Short Term Temps (-13) have new more advantageous rules for benefits under the new Collective Agreement that went into effect on April 1st. The implementation of these new rules in Workday means there will be a delay until July 1st for those changes to be reflected in the individual workday profiles for Temps -13. 

This week, Short Term Temps who are impacted by these new rules should have received a CBC email outlining new rules and the process for what to do if you qualify for benefits in the period between when the new rules go into effect and July 1st when all the HR systems are caught up. 

Here’s some information and tips on how to manage these changes.

Delay until July 1st to implement the new benefits for Temps -13 - April 24, 2024

I have some updates on benefits for Temps -13 and the delay in the implementation of the new Collective Agreement.

As you know, Short Term Temps (-13) have new more advantageous rules for benefits under the new Collective Agreement that went into effect on April 1st. The implementation of these new rules in Workday means there will be a delay until July 1st for those changes to be reflected in the individual workday profiles for Temps -13. 

This week, Short Term Temps who are impacted by these new rules should have received a CBC email outlining new rules and the process for what to do if you qualify for benefits in the period between when the new rules go into effect and July 1st when all the HR systems are caught up. If you missed it, I am attaching the PDF that was sent out here.

Here’s some information and tips on how to manage these changes.

Changes for Temps in the new Collective Agreement - April 1, 2024

The new CBC/CMG Collective Agreement came into effect on April 1, 2024.

These are the changes to the collective agreement specifically related to Temporary employees:

 "Temporary Workforce: 

● Establishment of a new National Joint Temporary Committee to provide guidance and consultation to the Local Committees with temporary workforce issues, including conversion conversations. 

● Article 61.1 (Time Off in Lieu) will now apply to long-term (+13 week) temporary employees. 

● Eligibility of benefits for short-term temporary employees will be dependent on working fifty-percent (50%) of straight full-time hours per week in any position (previously, eligibility for benefits was dependent on working 29 straight time hours). Benefits are maintained if the employee has worked the previous two (2) pay periods for at least 50% of straight time hours. 

● Where a temporary employee works continuously in various positions for 24 months, a review will determine if a foreseeable work pattern exists, potentially leading to a one-year contract. "


As a -13 Temp, you will continue to toggle on and off benefits depending on your eligible hours of work in each pay period.

The best way to know if you are covered for benefits is to access your last paystub in Workday. If you have deductions for benefits, you are covered for benefits in the following two week pay period. Best to print or take a screenshot of this so you have it for  your records in case your benefit request is in dispute.

The Temp Project will update  you on the establishment of the National Joint Temporary Committee once it it established.

Temp Update - March 22, 2024

How to Rock a Board

Falice Chin is the Executive Producer of News at CBC Ottawa. She is also known as the “board whisperer” for demystifying how to do a job interview at the CBC. She has been on both sides of the board, being interviewed and as an interviewer. In her workshop “How to Rock a Job Board” Falice walks us through every stage of the board, from prepping to strategy to how you are scored…common mistakes and more. It’s well worth your time to review this workshop when applying for a job at the CBC.

This presentation was recorded in March for the Temp Mentorship Program. 

Here’s the link to the workshop.


NOTE: the presentation is restricted to those with a CBC email account.

Next Temp Drop-in:

Wednesday, 3 April · 13:30 – 15:00

Time zone: America/Toronto

Google Meet joining info

Video call link: https://meet.google.com/zmk-ecgb-pde

Or dial: ‪(CA) +1 705-419-9352‬ PIN: ‪252 826 798‬#

More phone numbers: https://tel.meet/zmk-ecgb-pde?pin=9190630559384

If you can’t make it to a session of the Temp Drop-in, email me at Temp-Project@cbc.ca to set up a time for us to meet. 

Temp Update - February 9, 2024


1/ If you haven't heard from your manager, speak to them about the likelihood of getting work in the near future and in the summer. This will help you decide your next steps.

2/ Use this time to get your C.V. in order.  Hit up people who know your work to write you a reference letter. Put it all up on Linkedin or a google sheet that is easy to share.

3/ Think strategically about your career goals and then figure out the experience you need to get there. If you need advice, tap into the Network of Temp Supporters. Be prepared with focussed questions and respect their time.

4/ Network with the folks who can offer you the work experience you need while you have access to them. They don’t know who you are and they don’t know your work. Introduce yourself and start a conversation.

5/ Keep in mind that most Temps are located in Toronto, Vancouver and Halifax. Those three locations are highly competitive for Temping. If you have some experience already, you may have better opportunities to find work in other CBC locations. 

 If you have friends or relatives you can stay with and it’s possible for you to relocate to a CBC bureau (outside the top 3 locations for Temping), reach out to the managers there to express your interest. You can find a list of all the managers in every CBC location here.

Go in with the dates you are available, your C.V. and most importantly, references from other CBC leaders who can vouch for you.

  CBC Managers will have a better idea of their summer backfill needs starting in April. Reach out to them now to let them know you are interested and available.

6/ If your hours of work have already diminished, I encourage you to think about other freelance opportunities within or outside the CBC to help pay the bills. If you have a project you want to pitch, you can find a list of the people you can pitch to here. Keep in mind that budgets are very tight right now and even if there is interest it may not be possible to greenlight your pitch.


The CBC is not the only legacy media company that is facing job cuts. The announcements from CTV this week about a 10% reduction in its workforce is devastating for our industry.  It’s a terrible time for people who are early in their journalism career. The entire industry seems to be in crisis when it comes to creating and sustaining full time, permanent and stable work. On January 31st Carleton University’s School of Journalism organised a panel on the “The Ups and Downs of Freelancing and Temp Work.”  Many of you will relate to this conversation. Four freelancers, including Tayo Bero, a former CBC Temp, discuss how they managed to carve out a space to do the work they are passionate about. I hope you get a chance to watch and pick up some tips on what has worked for the freelancers featured. Here’s a link to the recording of the panel.

The next Temp Drop-In details are below.

Wednesday, 21 February · 13:30 – 15:00

Time zone: America/Toronto

Google Meet joining info

Video call link: https://meet.google.com/zmk-ecgb-pde

Or dial: ‪(CA) +1 705-419-9352‬ PIN: ‪252 826 798‬#

More phone numbers: https://tel.meet/zmk-ecgb-pde?pin=9190630559384

If you are unable to come to the drop-in, reach out to sujata.berry@cbc.ca to set up an appointment to discuss what’s on your mind.

What’s New for CBC Temps - January 30th 2024 

Introducing Temp Drop in office hours

In the last couple of months I have been contacted by many Temps to get help with a variety of questions, like getting clarification for something particular or to get general career advice. To help facilitate a better dialogue between the Temps and this office, I would like to introduce a bi-weekly drop in meeting where you can visit with me to discuss anything on your mind. I invite you to introduce yourself or or use this as an opportunity to share with me any concerns or questions you might have.

The drop in will commence on Wednesday February 7th from 1330-1500 (ET). I will hold this slot in my calendar every 2 weeks.

If you would like to join me, below is the schedule for the next four scheduled google hangouts where you can connect me. I will update this information in each note I send out, and will post it on the Temp Website as well.

Temp Drop In Times

Wednesday, 7 February · 13:30 – 15:00

Time zone: America/Toronto

Google Meet joining info

Video call link: https://meet.google.com/zmk-ecgb-pde

Or dial: ‪(CA) +1 705-419-9352‬ PIN: ‪252 826 798‬#

More phone numbers: https://tel.meet/zmk-ecgb-pde?pin=9190630559384

Wednesday, 21 February · 13:30 – 15:00

Time zone: America/Toronto

Google Meet joining info

Video call link: https://meet.google.com/zmk-ecgb-pde

Or dial: ‪(CA) +1 705-419-9352‬ PIN: ‪252 826 798‬#

More phone numbers: https://tel.meet/zmk-ecgb-pde?pin=9190630559384

Wednesday, 6 March · 13:30 – 15:00

Time zone: America/Toronto

Google Meet joining info

Video call link: https://meet.google.com/zmk-ecgb-pde

Or dial: ‪(CA) +1 705-419-9352‬ PIN: ‪252 826 798‬#

More phone numbers: https://tel.meet/zmk-ecgb-pde?pin=9190630559384

Wednesday, 20 March · 13:30 – 15:00

Time zone: America/Toronto

Google Meet joining info

Video call link: https://meet.google.com/zmk-ecgb-pde

Or dial: ‪(CA) +1 705-419-9352‬ PIN: ‪252 826 798‬#

More phone numbers: https://tel.meet/zmk-ecgb-pde?pin=9190630559384

If these times don't work, you are always welcome to request a meeting at a time that works for you by sending me a note at temp-project@cbc.ca

I look forward to connecting with you.


Latest Temp Update: January 16, 2024

Hello Everyone!

Happy New Year!

I know that many of you went into the holiday season nervous and stressed about the future of your work. These times of change are destabilising and I want to use this note to give you a few things you can do to help you reach your employment goals.

Feature Temp Opportunity

Project Coordinator in Marketing And Communications (February-June 2024)


Share the posting above with others who may be interested in applying.

Set up Job Alerts

If you currently work at the CBC as a Temp and have access to your Workday profile, you can do a couple of things that will allow you to express an interest in working in certain jobs and locations.

Instructions on setting up a Job Alert:


Receive notifications about new job postings tailored to your preferences by configuring Job Alerts. You can create multiple Job Alerts based on various criteria. 

Feel free to apply to roles that pique your interest and resonate with your skills and passions! 

If you are no longer employed at the CBC, you can set up a Job Alert using the external candidate CBC Job Portal for external candidates. 

Applicant Bank in new Jobs Portal

When you are on the main CBC/Radio-Canada Careers page, check out the future opportunities. This is where you can express your interest in being part of an applicant bank for certain positions. Some of the jobs posted currently in this space are for full time permanent work but there will be postings in the future for Temporary Work opportunities as well.

Temp Database Update

If you are a current or former Temp at the CBC who had a profile on the Temp Database but failed to update for 3 months, you may have received an email informing that your profile is being removed because it is no longer current. If you have been removed, you can always set up a new profile in the database. If you are not sure whether you still have a profile on the database, please email temp-project@cbc.ca to confirm.

Stay tuned for upcoming Summer Temping Opportunities

We are currently working on a system to inform you of summer job opportunities. There will be more information in the next month.

That’s all for this update. As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to Temp-Project@cbc.ca.

Wishing you all the best for 2024.


December 21, 2023 - Year End Note

Dear Colleagues,

It’s hard to believe we are almost at the end of 2023. It’s been a tumultuous time and I wanted to touch base before we go close out this year.

I am well aware that many of you are going into the holidays with some apprehension about your future work opportunities. Some of you may have already received a communication from your supervisor/manager informing you that your current assignment is ending or there will be fewer shifts available in the new year. 

What are your rights as a Temp?

Some of you have reached out to get advice on your rights under the Collective Agreement. Here’s what the CMG/CBC Collective Agreement states:

27.5.13 (+13 temps) 

In the event a temporary employee is released prior to the agreed term, he/she will receive two (2) weeks' notice or pay in lieu of notice.

27.5.14  (-13 temps) 

Temporary employees hired on a per-occasion basis will not require notice of termination as provided in this Agreement due to the nature of their assignment.

What you can do to make yourself available for work opportunities

If you have been told that your current work is being terminated, before your CBC email expires, please update your Temp Database profiles so that your principal email is your personal email address. This will allow you to keep your Temp Database profile current and it will also keep you on my email list for any future updates.  Even when you lose access to your CBC email, you can get most of these updates through the Temp Website under the What’s New tab.

Another suggestion is that you fill out your career profile in Workday.

Here’s how you do it (this is all very new, so still figuring out how it works)

Once in Workday go to the Talent and Performance Tab.

Scroll down to a Window titled “My Interests”. Once you hit the EDIT button it will allow you to fill in the jobs you are interested in, how much you are willing to travel for work or where you are willing to relocate to for your next job. The Talent Acquisition teams that assist in hiring for jobs will have access to this profile for future opportunities. (I will have more on this in the new year)

Unfortunately we still don’t have a clear picture of where the cuts will be and in the interim everyone is trimming what they can from their budgets. As most of the jobs are in Toronto, Vancouver and Halifax, logic dictates the cuts will most likely be more acute in those locations. What is clear is that we will still need temporary workers to provide backfill on an on-going basis. In particular, smaller and regional markets are already looking to fill their roster of Temps for summer backfill. The stations in the North are still posting and hiring for permanent positions. Keep your eye on the Jobs page in Workday. In the new year, I will be sending out updates about opportunities for future employment - both temporary and permanent positions - when I hear about them.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to me at temp-project@cbc.ca

In tough times, I have always found solace in the company of family and friends. I hope you get some time to spend with those you love over the holidays.

Wishing you a wonderful start to 2024.



Monday December 4, 2023 - Message from Sujata Berry in response to Townhall

Dear Temps,

I wanted to reach out to you because I know the announcement of job cuts at the CBC may have many of you worrying about your future opportunities at the CBC. It is difficult news for everyone to digest but particularly for our non-permanent staff.

At the moment, it is unclear how much the job cuts will impact our ability to use Temps for backfill and special projects where most of you are employed. The impact will be felt over time as the cuts start to kick in particularly after April 1, 2024.

If you need some advice and support to help navigate this difficult time, please reach out to the folks in the Temp Support Network. You can find them all listed by location here.  The Temp Supporters are there to provide you informal advice. Many of them were Temps before they became permanent and have experienced the kind of staff cuts that have been announced. 

There are additional supports you can tap into on the Temp Website at this link.

As always, please do not hesitate to reach out to me at Temp-project@cbc.ca

Take care of yourselves,


Sept 27, 2023

Workday Update for Temps

Start and End Dates for each assignment

I have been informed that Temps can now see the start and end date for each assignment that they have. If you are regularly working more than one gig, you can now see how long you are being retained in the system for each individual assignment. You can see the screenshot below which lists multiple assignments for a Temp.

See the sample Workday screenshot below to see where to find each role you are assigned to. This would be on your main profile in Workday.

The advantage of WORKDAY offering this transparency on start and end dates is that it allows people to know when to start looking for work (hint…well before the assignment is over). A Temp can now take the initiative to check with their supervisor for each assignment in advance of the end date, about whether you are being extended or if you should be looking elsewhere for work. If it’s the latter, you can ask your supervisor for a referral or to introduce you to others who may have work.

It’s best to check your dates for each assignment so that you can start looking for another assignment in a timely fashion.

Benefits: Start and End dates for Temp -13

If you are a Temp -13, once you qualify for benefits you still need to work a minimum of about 3 scheduled shifts per week in order to maintain your access to benefits. This means, if you fail to make the minimum hours of scheduled work within a pay period, you can toggle off benefits for the following 2 weeks. Before booking any treatment, please check your benefits eligibility in Workday to make sure you are getting the treatment within a time when you do have coverage.

You can get more information about benefits for Temps  here.

Sept 11, 2023

Performance Review Process for Temps

In this installment of news you can use, I would like to flag that the Performance Review is now available to Temps in the CBC News division via Workday, the new HR tool.This is a terrific opportunity to get feedback on your work performance and to let your supervisor/manager know about your career aspirations. The dialogue between you and your manager/supervisor may lead to new training opportunities and open new doors for employment. But in order to benefit from this, you have to opt into the process.

The new cycle for 2022-2023 has started and the deadline for the first stage is fast approaching on September 29th. If  you haven’t started the process as yet, you can still get going before the deadline.

First step in the process is to complete the employee self evaluation process.  In the last couple of months you may have received an email asking you to complete an employee self evaluation in Workday. 

If you missed that you can find the message by logging into your Workday Profile. The message will link you to how you can complete the self evaluation.

How to have the Performance Review with the manager who knows your work.

When you are filling out the self evaluation in Workday, you should be able to see the name of the manager assigned to your profile. Given that Temps move around, the manager identified in Workday may not be the best suited to give you a performance review if the most of your work is supervised by someone else. If that is the case, once you have filled out the employee self evaluation contact the manager/supervisor that you do most of your work for to let them know they are not listed as your manager in Workday for the Performance Review. In order to get the manager changed in Workday, your manager/supervisor will need to send an email to Priorities and Development (priorities-dev_priorites-dev@cbc.ca) requesting they be assigned as your manager in Workday. Once your manager sends this email, your profile is reviewed quite speedily and your manager is re-assigned to your profile as requested.

If there are any other Workday issues, please contact Shared Services. If the issue persists or is of an urgent nature, drop me a line at temp-project@cbc.ca

June 22, 2023

Temp Database Update

I wanted to give you a quick update about where we are at with the database. First I would like to thank you all for updating their Temp Profile information on the Temp Database. Having your profile updated regularly means that those who are hiring know the information is up to date. Please remember to keep updating and continue to re-submit the form even if you have no changes to get a new timestamp.

This week I have presented the updated database to the leaders at National Newsgathering, News Network, Audio Department (Nettalk and Podcasting) and EFS. Last week I presented to the Managing Editors across the country. This means anyone looking for backfill will know that you are all available for work.

In addition, the Talent Acquisition department is also going to access the database as they look for candidates to fill permanent positions. If your qualifications match their requirements for an open job posting they may reach out to you to encourage you to apply.

If you know of other Temps who are not aware of the Temp Database, please encourage them to create a profile. In addition to jobs, you will receive these regular updates on news of interest to Temps.

In addition, do continue to check out the Temp Job Board for other jobs. Summer is a busy time and there are lots of postings there right now.

Guide to Authorised Leave for Temp -13 Employees

As a Temp -13 employee you may not have the necessary vacation days to take time off. If you are scheduled for a specific time period and would like to take some time off during the time you are scheduled, speak to your manager to get approved. Then you can indicate on your time card that you are taking authorised leave for those days.  The Manager approves the absence and the day is coded as Authorised Absence Without Pay.  

In addition, if a Temp - 13 employee has been informed they will be needed every week for a specific period of time (over the summer for example) and they have a vacation planned for one of those weeks, they can request Authorised Absence Without Pay for that week.  


If Temp - 13 employees are simply not available to work, they cannot automatically request Authorised Absence Without Pay since they were not guaranteed work for the period they were not available.  Each situation is looked at on a case by case basis if the Temp - 13 does request Authorised Absence Without Pay.  In addition, it is important to always reflect the approved absence on the time card.

June 11, 2023

Great Permanent Job Opportunities in Edmonton

Edmonton is a collaborative, supportive newsroom, and while the city might get a bad rap, it’s actually a great place to build a life – you can easily buy a house! there is no provincial sales tax! you can go to the mountains for the weekend! And, as you’ve all seen, the news is never boring.

Business and technology reporter: This is a new permanent, full-time role and we are excited about the possibilities. We see this multi-platform reporter tackling everything from covering economic trends and explaining how they impact the local community, to digging into consumer issues like affordability and cost of living, to reporting on the ways technology is changing traditional business sectors like energy and agriculture. We know these issues are top of mind for our audiences.

Afternoon reporter: This is a permanent, full-time position with the opportunity to chase all sorts of breaking news for all platforms as well as generate original content during the afternoons.

Climate reporter: We are looking for someone to take on multi-platform climate reporting for the next year to cover a maternity leave. This has been a very successful new beat for us, and we’re excited to have someone else keep the momentum going.

Associate producer, assigned to visuals: This is a permanent, four day a week position, and a great chance to be a part of our visuals programming as we lean into streaming and ramp up visuals production.

Executive producer of news: This is an amazing leadership position, and a chance to drive our breaking news and investigative content across all platforms, while playing a key role in moving our streaming strategy forward. We have a strong, collaborative leadership team, highly invested in staff development and teamwork, and I’m looking for an exec who can help me continue to drive that. 

To get more information on any of these positions, reach out to Stephanie Coombs at the contact information below.

Stephanie Coombs (she/her)

Director, Journalism and Programming

CBC Edmonton

Cell: 780-995-2549


May 15, 2023

Thunder Bay Reporter Posting

Exciting opportunity to be a reporter in Thunder Bay. It’s a one year posting to backfill Logan Turner who is taking a one year leave of absence. You have until May 25th to apply for this job. Get all the details here

Indigenous Pathways Program open for registration

CBC's Indigenous Pathways to Journalism program is entering its second year. This paid, full-time, 9-month learning and development opportunity supports seven First Nations, Inuit or Métis candidates to hone their skills as storytellers in CBC newsrooms.

One successful candidate will be based in each of this year's host locations: Calgary, Yellowknife, Saskatoon, Thunder Bay, Montreal, Halifax and Vancouver.

Indigenous Pathways provides journalism training, career development support, and work experience. Applicants do not require journalism education or experience to apply.

You can get all the details and sign for the program here.

Career Connects

Turbo charge your career to the next level with Career Connects. Sign up to have your skills assessed by a manager and get advice on how to achieve your career goals.You can get all the details on the participating managers and register for Career Connects here.


May 12, 2023

Career Connects registration is still open

Get a career consultation with a manager to assess your skills and how you can take the next step towards your long term career goals.

You can get all the details on how to register for Career Connects here.

Career Day Recordings are now available

You can catch up on any session that you missed on Career Day. All the sessions were recorded and are available here.

All the resources we referred to in the sessions are also available here.

Make a Pitch!

Ever wonder who you can pitch your story ideas to? Well look no further than this page which lists all the story editors for a number of programs.  They look forward to hearing hear from you.


April 17, 2023

Sign up for Virtual Career Day on May 4th

The second virtual CBC Career Day is happening on May 4 from 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. ET.  The day is jam packed with sessions where you can learn about writing cover letters, building your resume, acing boards and managing your own career development. We will also be hosting a special session showcasing what it’s like to work and live in the North (for those of you who love adventure!).

You can check out all the details and sign up here.

For Temps, we know it may be difficult to attend these sessions while you are working. If you know your assignment on May 4th, now is the time to speak to your supervisor to express your interest in attending all or part of Career Day. Depending on the assignments that day, you may get permission to attend all or part of the program. 

If you have time for only one session, I strongly recommend attending Panel 3 at 1 p.m. ET/ 10 a.m. PT: Managing your own Career for Entry Level Journalists. This will have lots of information relevant for Temps.

Don’t worry if you are unable to attend. All the sessions will be recorded. You can watch the sessions you missed on the CBC Temp website shortly after May 4th.

Health Benefits for -13 Temps who don’t qualify for the CBC health plan:

The Employee and Family Assistance Program (EFAP) and virtual healthcare services continue to be available to employees who are not eligible for benefits. These services can be accessed as follows: EFAP: call 1-866-814-0018.  For virtual healthcare: visit getmaple.ca/cbcrc

The Temp Database is being redesigned

Many of you have uploaded a profile to the Temp Database. I am working on redesigning the database to make it easier to navigate for managers so they can reach you for job opportunities. We will be sending the Temps registered in the current database a new form that will require you to update it regularly to keep the information current. The new version of the database will be relaunched with appropriate communication so that managers start using it more often to find Temps to fill vacancies.

To prepare for the new database, create a Linkedin account (if you don’t have one already) and insert all your CV information there. It will make it a lot easier for the manager to check out your credentials.

If you or someone you know would like to add their information to the Temp Database, please fill out this form. You will be contacted when the new format is being introduced to update your information in the new format.


Monday April 3, 2023

Summer Backfill 2023

The annual leave requests are in and managers across the country are starting to plan their summer backfill needs. This is the time to brush up your C.V. and reach out to the Executive Producers of shows you want to work for. If you have ever wanted to experience another part of the country, reach out to the Managing Editors in the locations you are interested in.

If you are considering getting out of the big cities and want to learn more about the job opportunities in small market CBC bureaus, then check out this Make It Better session which was held on Thursday March 30th, 2023. The panellists engaged in a candid discussion about the career benefits of working in a small market while acknowledging some challenges that come with that choice.

If  you are considering working in a small market, feel free to reach out to any of the managers listed below to express your interest. They are actively searching for candidates to fill summer vacancies.


Scott Lunn, Managing Editor

Victoria King, Senior Manager - Creative Content Growth

Peter Gullage, Executive Producer


Victoria Goodfellow, Managing Editor

Jim Ferguson, Senior Manager - Production Services

Jesara Sinclair, Executive Producer


Ian Brimacombe, Managing Editor

Ken MacIntosh, Executive Producer


Victoria Goodfellow, Managing Editor

Darrow MacIntyre,  Executive Producer


Basem Boshra, Senior Managing Editor 

Nathalie Walther, Manager


Drake Fenton, Managing Editor 

Falice Chin, Executive Producer


Prasanna Rajagopalan, Director

Laura Green, Executive Producer, News

Manusha Janakiram, Executive Producer, Current Affairs


Erin Noel, Managing Editor

Eva, Salinas, Executive Producer, Hamilton

Gary Graves, Executive Producer, KW

Amanda Margison, Executive Producer, London

Samantha Craggs, Executive Producer, Windsor

Fiona Christensen, Executive Producer, Sudbury

Alex Brockman, Executive Producer, Thunder Bay


David Hutton, Senior Managing Director

Michael Dick, Director

Melanie Verhaeghe, Managing Editor, Manitoba


David Hutton, Senior Managing Director

Michael Dick, Director

Heather Loughran, Executive Producer


Helen Henderson, Senior Director

Kathleen Petty, Executive Producer


Stephanie Coombs, Director, Edmonton


Shiral Tobin, Director 

Tinnie Chow, Senior Manager

Steve Lus, Executive Producer, News

Theresa Duvall, Executive Producer, Current Affairs


Shiral Tobin, Director 

Madeline Green, Executive Producer, Victoria

Jay Bertagnolli, Executive Producer, Kelowna and Interior stations

Rob Polson, Producer, Kamloops

TBA, Producer, Prince George

Catherine Hansen, Producer, Prince Rupert


Mervin Brass, Senior Managing Director

Garrett Hinchey, Managing Editor, Yellowknife and Iqaluit

Karen Vallevand, Manager, Whitehorse 

Kanina Holmes, Executive Producer, Whitehorse

Workday changes for Temps

Workday is the new integrated HR portal that was launched on February 27, 2023.

It is recommended that you check your profile on this new platform to confirm that your profile information is accurate. In particular, check your pay and banking information.

For Temps, one of the biggest changes in Workday is that you will be able to see when you are on benefits. If you click on the benefits icon, you will be able to see the start and end dates of your benefits. Generally, if you have your minimum number of hours (approximately 3 shifts a week) and have 13+ status, you qualify for benefits for the 2 weeks following payday. The end date of your benefits will reflect that. Please book your health appointments accordingly. 

If you have any questions or concerns regarding your transition to workday, please contact shared services to get a resolution.  If you are unable to resolve your issue or concern, please send me a note at sujata.berry@cbc.ca

When you click on each role…it will display a start and end date...see the screenshot below.