About the Temp Project

Welcome to the Temp Project!

The Temp Project was launched in 2021 to help support the non-permanent staff at the CBC News. The goal of this work is to provide Temps and those who lead them with the information and supports they need to navigate their careers at the CBC. Whether it is finding the next job or how to ace a board or where to get advice, there is something for all facets of Temping life.  The information provided here gives Temps the tools they need to successfully transition to permanent jobs at the CBC.

Sujata Berry - Lead of the Temp Project

A little about me...

I started out as a Temp in the CBC National Newsroom in 1993. As a new graduate with a journalism degree I was thrilled to be invited into what is one of the best news organizations in the country. On my first day, I had no contract, didn't know what my job was going to be and who I was going to report to. I had no idea how long I was going to be working, on which shifts or what my wages were.  I worked as a researcher and then as a writer and chase producer.  I basically knew which job I was doing when the scheduled was posted every two weeks. I was lucky because after working for 8 months as a Temp in a variety of positions, my boss offered a contract job to work in a small station in the Maritimes.  It was my first step towards building the career I have today. My experience is not unique. Nearly 80% of the permanent staff at CBC News started as Temps.

Over the years, the CBC has changed considerably as an organization but the experience of Temps hasn't changed that much.  The onboarding provided is uneven and it can be confusing for a new Temp to figure out their next steps. Temping has advantages -  an exciting time to experience different jobs and decide which ones you like the most. But on the flip side, it can be a time of uncertainty as you may not know where or when you will get your next gig or you may not know who to get advice from to help you navigate your career at the CBC. 

Given my personal experience Temping and as someone who advocated for Temps regularly I was thrilled to be asked to lead this work. I am fully aware about the need for change in how we employ and treat Temps. I am deeply committed to addressing the concerns raised by Temps. What we have achieved so far is a start but clearly there's a lot of work ahead of us. Together we can make a big difference to improving CBC Temp experience and creating a more equitable workplace. I look forward to working with  you to make it happen. 

Thanks for checking out the work of the Temp Project.

Sujata Berry

Lead of The Temp Project

"Another world is not only possible, she is on her way. On a quiet day, I can hear her breathing."  Arundhati Roy

The Temp Project until now...

So far The Temp Project has:

The Temp Project is working on....

There's lots more to come and I will be updating you on a regular basis. CBC News management has heard the Temp concerns and are committed to addressing them through the work of the Temp Project. I welcome your feedback, questions, suggestions or concerns on the work of the Temp Project.  Please feel free to drop me a line at temp-project@cbc.ca.  I look forward to hearing from you.