Advice and Support
Temp Support Network
Connect with an experienced CBC employee can help you navigate the CBC News.
Temp Supporters can help provide advice on job applications, skills development, connect you to the right person to help answer your questions and much more.
The Temp Collective
This is an unaffiliated group of mostly former CBC Temps who provide support, advice and advocate for Temps.
It's a group of employees who have shared values and identities coming together to support each other. The CBC has a growing list of ERGs. You can find the fill list of ERGs at the CBC and how to join here. Temps are welcome to join these groups to get support and career or life advice from like minded colleagues.
Resources and counsellors you can access as a CBC employee
Employee and Family Assistance Program (EFAP) is available for all employees, including Temps. You can reach the CBC EFAP provider, Homewood Health, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year, and can be accessed directly by calling 1-866-838-2025, or internationally (call collect) at 514-375-0624.
You can get all the information about services offered and registration information here.
Additional supports for your wellness can be found on My Well-Being.
The Canadian Media Guild (CMG) is the union the represents most employees working at the CBC across Canada except Quebec and Moncton.
Contact: | Website:
Syndicat des travailleuses et des travailleurs de Radio-Canada (STTRC) is the union that represents SRC employees in Quebec and Moncton
APS is the union the represents Admin and Supervisors at the CBC.